Monday, January 24, 2011

Not Very Frugal Lately

Wow, I hate to admit this but I have not been very frugal lately...  Lots going on in my life.  My Son has come home on leave from Iraq. So there was a great sense of celebration and the need to really spend some quality family time doing some really fun things. I have made some great home made meals, I have eaten out, I have been out to a bar (or two) I have been to a Casino, I spent the night at a resort, and threw one hell of a party at my house.  It was a crazy week I must admit.  I really need to get my finances back in order....  I must tell you that I am super happy to have my savings account....  and the good news is.....  I did not charge one thing on my credit cards.  So that has been worth the pain and sacrifice of saving.  I sort of feel like I went off the deep end though.  I rarely ever eat out, and spend money at resorts and casino's.  By the way I even gambled and did not win one thing (yikes) But, I did not care, I was spending quality time with my son and family.  And....  as my Idol Suze Orman tells me every week, People First, Then Money, Then Things.  We really created some great memories this week, and I am so grateful for my family.
Have a Fabulous & Frugal Day!!! 

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