Monday, June 27, 2011

Grilled Jalapeno Poppers

Brent's Jalapeño Poppers


1 lb jalapeño peppers

8 oz cream cheese with chives

1 lb thick bacon

1 lb (or 8 oz sliced) pepper jack cheese, sliced to your desired thickness

Seasoning salt, optional

Wooden toothpicks


Wash peppers and then carefully slice each pepper in half. Scoop out the seeds and membranes of the pepper and discard. If you prefer them to be less spicy wash the halves in cold water, otherwise begin filling each half with cream cheese until the cream cheese is level with the edges of the pepper. Top cream cheese with slices of pepper jack cheese.

Carefully cut bacon slices into either thirds or halves and wrap those around the peppers, using wooden toothpicks to hold bacon on the pepper.

Grill over low to medium heat until bacon is browned and cheese is melted. Serve immediately. Serves about 8.

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